C.D. Leganés visit de CEIP Lope de Vega in our city with the players Sergi Palencia and Róber Ibáñez this Wednesday 23 of february, which will be our third visit this season during the XIII edition of the proyect ‘El Lega vuelve al cole’, driven by the Fundación C.D. Leganés.
Sergi Palencia the defender from Barcelona, and the wing from Valencia, Róber Ibáñez visit this week the public school Lope de Vega with the Fundación C.D. Leganés. The objetive of this activity is to promote the values of health, sport and study the importance of having a healthy life and reaching the players and club to the youth person of the city. The students from fourth, fifth and sixth of primary will have the opportunity to listen and ask the players about their experiences and their work as football players, they will receive a gift and invitation from the players.
This proyect from the Fundación Leganés has take place on the last consecutive thirteenth seasons, and will continue with it’s visists in the next weeks on other schools of the city of Leganés, after we started last november at the CEIP Gonzalo de Berceo and on february at the al CEIP José María de Pereda If your school is interested of the visit of our players remember you can make the request at fundacion@cdleganes.com.